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Mindfulness at the Grocery Store

I always hibernate at night with the television or playing on my phone. Last night I wanted to go to the store. I hate the grocery store on most days, but all the craziness of my Sunday made me want to get out alone. I went at night. I left everyone home and just went. Even though I had a screaming child following me saying, "Don't leave me!" (as if I was leaving her with two monsters who would eat her as soon as I pulled away ) I didn't look back as she yelled, "MOMMY!!!! Don't Leave!!!!!" I got in my car. and didn't even turn on radio. Silence. Such a wonderful thing. As I pull up to parking lot I got a nice spot. Not many people at the store at night. The moon was beautiful. I never notice anything about nature or the sky when I'm in a rushed panic to go anywhere. But tonight was beautiful. I was alone. I got my cart and stopped to look at the plants for sale outside. They were beautiful.Then I went in. It was not crowded. It was lovely. As I went through the store we all smiled at eachother as if we knew this was a great secret of ours. This night time shopping is wonderful. The people working there were chatting and laughing with each other. I actually read labels. I looked at what I was buying instead of throwing stuff in the cart in order to just to get out!!! I spent less money because I could actually think about what I was doing. Maybe I need to do this more. Maybe I will see the same happy people shopping every week. This could be a new thing for me. Turning something I hated to do into something relaxing. Yup!!! I said it!! Relaxing !!!!

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